Writing Apps 2019-03-04 00:00

The Best Online Editor for Now Novel


Here at ProWritingAid, we’re big fans of Now Novel. We’re guessing you are, too. It’s one of the best ways to take your fledgling idea and raise it up to a full-grown novel. It’s also a great place to give and receive critiques from fellow writers.

That all works much better with functional grammar. To make it happen, an online editor like ProWritingAid is the way to go. Our Chrome extension is perfect for in-line edits, distraction-free writing, and overall improvement. We’ll show you why in this post. Read on!

  1. Edits While You Write
  2. Distraction-Free Writing
  3. Improvements to Your Craft
  4. Use ProWritingAid With Now Novel Today!

Edits While You Write

If you’re asking for feedback on your scribble, you probably don’t want to hear about how you used the wrong “there.” You want feedback on the work itself! ProWritingAid will catch grammatical errors while you type so critique partners can focus on your structure, plot and characters.

As you type, notice the lines that appear beneath your work.


These are potential errors or stylistic improvements. Simply hover your cursor over them to read them. If they work for you, click the error and ProWritingAid will automatically correct your text. If you don’t like them, simply click “Ignore” to do just that.

Distraction-Free Writing

Though we know you love the edits, we also understand you need focus when planning your novel. When you’re working through those preliminary outlining steps, you might not want suggestions just yet. If so, click the ProWritingAid icon next to your address bar.


Next, click the slider to the right of “checking is enabled for www.nownovel.com.” Edits will disappear from your work for the time being. Now go ahead and write. When you’re ready for those edits, just follow the same steps to switch edits back on. It's an excellent way to focus on your work.

Improvements to Your Craft

You’re using Now Novel because you want to become a better writer. Good for you! We’re happy to help with that as well.

Some online editing tools tell you where you’ve made a mistake. We do the same but take it a step further. If you see a down arrow in the upper right corner of a suggestion, click it. You’ll see something like this:


These tips are written to provide a deeper understanding of the English language. The better you understand your medium, the better you’ll become as a writer.

Use ProWritingAid With Now Novel Today!

To get started, just download our Chrome extension, then sign up for your free 3-day trial. Happy editing!

Be confident about grammar

Check every email, essay, or story for grammar mistakes. Fix them before you press send.