Writing Apps 2021-07-02 00:00

17 Facebook Groups For Writers You Should Join

prowritingaid's facebook group on-screen

We put together a list of The 10 Best Facebook Groups for Writers back in 2017. It's safe to say that the role of writing groups in keeping writers connected only got more important in 2020 into 2021. When we published our original article, readers inundated us with messages about their favorite groups that didn’t make our list. So for 2021, with our thanks to them, we’re adding quite a few more!

  1. The ProWritingAid Writer's Community
  2. 20BooksTo50K
  3. Fantasy & Science Fiction Writers
  4. Writing Bad
  5. Fiction Writing
  6. Copywriter Café
  7. Grimdark Fiction Readers & Writers
  8. The Inner Circle Writers’ Group
  9. Self Publishing Formula (SPF) Community
  10. Writing Revolters
  11. Writer’s Fight Club
  12. Writer’s Group
  13. The Content Marketing Lounge
  14. FanFiction.net Writers Unite!
  15. 10 Minute Novelists
  16. Creative Fiction Writing
  17. The Blogging Squad
  18. Conclusion

The ProWritingAid Writer's Community

ProWritingAid has its own Facebook group! Here, you can share writing questions, hear about ProWritingAid events, ask us questions and chat to other writers. Every Monday we have a self-promotion day where you can share your current work in progress with the group. We love to see what everyone is working on.

We also occasionally host a book buy on the group where we buy books written by members of the ProWritingAid community, so keep your eyes peeled.

Join the group to find out more—we'd love to have you!

Bonus: ProWritingAid's Fantasy and Crime Author Groups

As part of our Fantasy and Crime Writers' weeks this year, we launched two specialized Facebook groups for authors to connect with other writers in their genre.

Our plan was only to keep them going for the duration of the events, but they took on lives of their own and now we can't imagine our community without them.

ProWritingAid's Fantasy Writer's Fellowship

If you're a writer with a passion for the fantastic, we encourage you to join us as we chat, write and meme all things fantasy!

ProWritingAid's Writing Partners in Crime

Are you a lover of crime, thrillers, mysteries, and everything in between? Join this group for advice and support on your crime writing journey.


Their tagline is "helping indie authors sell more books!" and they have a very low tolerance for BS. Successful published indie authors give their best advice in this group, but only to serious, professional writers who understand that writing is a business. That means marketing, release strategies, ROI on ads, and much more. It may not be the sexiest side of writing a novel, but it’s the one that will generate the funds to keep you writing instead of out looking for a second job. We recommend your read the pinned post and its Google doc to cover the FAQs rather than tie up the feed with already-asked-and-answered questions.

Fantasy & Science Fiction Writers

Are you into Sci-Fi and world building? Then you’ll love the Fantasy & Science Fiction Writers group on Facebook. You can post small pieces of work for critique and exchange ideas with other like-minded writers. You’ll get valuable feedback without ridicule or sarcasm. They like to focus on the actual writing part, not on promoting themselves to the group. Spam and promotion are anathema, so only join this group if you’re a serious Sci-Fi / Fantasy writer who wants to learn the craft from other, more experienced authors.

Writing Bad

Everyone, regardless of experience or ability, writes bad at some point. And this Facebook Group accepts your bad writing and encourages you through friendly feedback without "fear of unfair or cruel backlash." Writing Bad offers daily inspiration and resources invaluable to their group members. One member said, "People stay positive, kind and humble," and another one said, "It lacks one thing most other groups have… DRAMA." If you’re looking for a supportive community—and AWESOME Admins—who won’t suffer trolls, check out this Facebook Group.

Fiction Writing

If you like tacos—and writing—you’ll love Fiction Writing. We have it on an amazing source that the Founder is a sexy man who slings tacos. But seriously, Fiction Writing group members say they feel like a family. They support each other, offer sage advice, and give helpful critiques. You can even get your work published in A Matter of Words through Scout Media that features authors from Fiction Writing. They publish this anthology twice a year in paperback and eBook for digital stores worldwide. Whether you’re just starting out or an experienced author, you’ll find something of value in Fiction Writing. Oh, and an obsession with tacos.

Copywriter Café

Where can you find a friendly group of professional copywriters who answer any and all questions with equanimity and encouragement? At the Copywriter Café created by Steve Roller, copywriter extraordinaire. If you’re a beginner copywriter just getting started or an experienced professional with plenty of wisdom to share, you’re welcomed as family in the Café. Group members share professional advice, job opportunities, and connect with other like-minded copywriters. There are no silly questions in the Copywriter Café, so pour yourself a cuppa and join the crowd.

Grimdark Fiction Readers & Writers

Who are your favorite Grimdark authors? This is only one question you’ll be asked when you petition to join the Grimdark Fiction Readers & Writers. Nowhere else can you find a group of authors, readers, artists, and even publishers who enjoy the Grimdark genre more. All members must be supportive and thoughtful. They won’t stand for DRAMA, so leave it at the door. If you’re willing to debate the finer points of Grimdark—be ye reader or writer—welcome to the group. Just remember to wear your "civil" attitude and have fun with it.

The Inner Circle Writers’ Group

Everyone loves Grant, the founder of The Inner Circle Writer’s Group, almost as much as they love the warm, supportive environment that always stays professional and on-topic. The members are encouraging, and the moderators keep abusive non-writers to a minimum. Several professional writers call The Inner Circle Writers’ Group "home." Join the group and get ready for lots of interaction and engagement in a friendly, family atmosphere. Everyone shares and celebrates each other’s successes, and many feel spurred to become and do better.

Self Publishing Formula (SPF) Community

For authors and creative professionals only, SPF Community allows no promotion—ever. Don’t try to solicit clients or build a mailing list in the group; you will be removed. If you’re looking for active encouragement and up-to-date industry information, you’ve come to the right place. You can learn about self-publishing and marketing and get support, feedback, and guidance no matter where in the world you are. If you want current, specific, and non-competitive advice on how to self-publish your work, join the SPF Community today.

Writing Revolters

If you’re looking for a supportive group of freelance copywriters who are über loyal to their founder Jorden and each other, you need Writing Revolters. Especially if you’re a newbie, get plenty of great advice and answers to all your questions from professional copywriters. One group member said it’s like having 100 mentors in your pocket. Writing Revolters prides itself on nurturing its group members, particularly beginners. And you won’t find hype and promotional garbage—only straightforward answers and sage advice.

Writer’s Fight Club

Are you tired of Facebook groups that are so heavily moderated, you’re afraid to offer constructive criticism? Or maybe your pet peeve is the under-moderated groups where anything goes, even posts about what you ate for breakfast. Rule 1 for Writer’s Fight Club: Coffee is for closers only! If you don’t have a thick skin, you can’t play in this playground. For writers willing to face the sometimes harsh, brutal truth that their writing needs improvement, you have Fight Club. And remember—what doesn’t kill you only strengthens you.

Writer’s Group

Writer’s Group is full of writers, readers, and fans interested in the craft of writing. You can bounce ideas off of members, help someone out with a tricky writing problem, or talk about the latest industry news in this group. "Exchange leads to discovery." You can also post your written work for group critique, but hopefully you have a thick skin because you’ll get honest opinions. Finally, the only group rule is the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. The admins ask that you not feed the trolls; simply block them and move on.

The Content Marketing Lounge

Nathan Collier, a journalist turned content marketer, started The Content Marketing Lounge to help marketers and writers share, learn, connect, and grow. There’s only one rule to follow in this Lounge: Don’t dump and run. No posting links to your stuff and running off somewhere else. That said, they have "Content Thursdays" where everyone can link in a thread started by the admin. On Tuesdays, the floor is open for questions, which Nathan answers himself and others chime in with sage advice. And the group is always on the lookout for paid job listings. Note they want legit work; no free "work for exposure" posts please.

FanFiction.net Writers Unite!

For lovers of the FanFiction.net website, there’s a Facebook group just for you! Here you can hang out, meet new friends, get help, post links to new chapters for critique, and talk all things fan fiction. Specifically for writers/readers of fan fiction, they don’t want to see original works for profit or any other form of writing. There are only 7 concise and easy to follow rules for the group. Join this group if you have a question about FFN you can’t figure out, if you want to gush about fandoms or ships, or if you want to debate a writing-related point well into the wee hours of the morning.

10 Minute Novelists

The premise is "butt in a chair for 10 minutes a day to write." Everyone can carve out 10 minutes in their day. Sticking with it consistently is like compound interest: it builds until next thing you know, you’ve written a book. 10 Minute Novelists is a writer’s hangout. Pull up a chair and get comfortable because you’ll find inspiration, commiseration, learning, support, and encouragement here. Talk about the things only "writers" will get, like grammar pet peeves or crazy Google searches. But feel just as comfortable talking about the technical aspects of writing and asking questions to help you learn and grow.

Creative Fiction Writing

This group defines itself as:

  • "We aim to provide a friendly and supportive place where fiction writers of all genres can connect with each other, get help and feedback, share writing related content, critique each other's work, and participate in fun writing prompts and events aimed at sharpening their skills."

Share a love of reading and writing with others in this group. Members love it because everyone is so supportive and helpful. If you’re not afraid to speak your opinions—and you’re willing to look out for other group members—you’ll find a home in the Creative Fiction Writing group on Facebook.

The Blogging Squad

If you’re an established blog owner, you need to join The Blogging Squad. This online community has everything bloggers need and want. You can share your latest blog/social media posts in their daily threads. And you can post threads if you need help with a blogging question, are looking for collaborators, or other blogging issues. The Blogging Squad is an amazing support group for bloggers and influencers. If you have a blog and want to grow it, check out some threads in this group. You’ll find everything you need to build your blog into something valuable and engaging.


Surely we’ve missed some more valuable groups again! Let us know in the comments below what didn’t make this new add-on list, or our original 10 from last year.

Be confident about grammar

Check every email, essay, or story for grammar mistakes. Fix them before you press send.